Hello [Recipient Name| Fallback], See what learning opportunities are coming up and all the big news for you this month. |
🌟 Youth Workshops in Cairo and Bogota We are excited to share the highlights from the two most recent Youth Volunteer Workshops, held from April 16th to 19th in Bogotá, Colombia, and from April 29th to May 1st in Cairo, Egypt. In Bogotá, 60 volunteers from the Latin America and Caribbean regions came together, and just two weeks later in Cairo, 38 volunteers from the Arab States region gathered to attend these workshops. Each group brought their unique experiences and insights, creating a vibrant exchange of ideas. These workshops focused on empowering volunteers in developing their leadership skills, enhancing their conflict management abilities, encouraging intercultural sensitivity, and building a strong, lasting UNV community. Heartfelt thanks to all colleagues who made these events possible and to the volunteers who participated enthusiastically and dedicatedly. Inspiration meets action! |
🎉 Atelier pour les Volontaires francophones au Sénégal Un merveilleux groupe de 26 Volontaires nationaux.ales et internationaux.ales francophones servant au Burundi, Tchad, DRC, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Madagascar, Mauritanie, Niger, Togo et au Sénégal, ont participé à un atelier sur place de 3 jours du 21 au 23 mai 2024. Ils/elles ont travaillé sur différents styles de leadership, de feedback, de sensibilisation interculturelle, de résolution de conflits, de discours public, de communication et de narration à travers des activités d'apprentissage entre pairs et de l'apprentissage expérientiel. L'Atelier a été ouvert par le Directeur Régional du programme VNU pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, M. Paul Menye, et a compté avec la présence de la coordinatrice pays du programme VNU au Sénégal, Mme. Ndieundé Gueye. |
🔎 Your learning needs, our priority Last year, more than 1,370 of you asked for courses on Career Management through our Learning Needs Assessment. We listened to your needs and delivered the SHIFT programme. We are grateful for you continuous positive feedback over two successful editions of SHIFT. Are you ready to craft your own Career Plan? Register below for our next edition of SHIFT in Spanish! |
💬 UN Language Proficiency Exam Do you speak a foreign language and wish to have a certificate for it? Apply now to pass the UN Language Proficiency Exam and receive your certificate! The UN Language Proficiency Examination tests UN personnel on listening, reading, speaking and writing in any of the six UN official languages. Stay tuned for the registration date, eligibility criteria and conditions. A separate announcement is coming your way! Bonne chance! 祝你好运 ! ¡Buena suerte! Удачи! Good luck! حظاً موفقاً! |
📣 2024 Volunteer Learning Stories Wondering if you should sign up to a new course? 🤔 Check out our 2024 Volunteer Learning Stories in English, Spanish and French to find out all about your colleagues' insights into courses related to onboarding, career management, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment, and more. We hope that your colleagues' testimonies will inspire you to embark on an exciting new learning journey! |
Career craft Grow to actively manage your career |
🚀 ¡Desarrolle su potencial profesional con SHIFT! Participe al Programa de Gestión de la Carrera del Programa VNU Su viaje como Voluntario/a de las Naciones Unidas no sólo tiene que ver con el presente, sino también con la creación de un futuro satisfactorio y con un enfoque orientado a un propósito. SHIFT es un Programa de Gestión de la Carrera de cuatro niveles que se extiende a lo largo de cuatro semanas, diseñado para ayudarle a dominar el arte de la gestión eficaz de la carrera. Participe en los micromódulos de autoaprendizaje, conecte y comparta con colegas, y confróntese con expertos en la materia mientras elabora su plan de carrera personalizado. Puede explorar la estructura y el programa de SHIFT con más detalle aquí. ¿Está preparado/a para dar el siguiente paso en su carrera? La próxima edición de SHIFT se abrirá el 10 de Junio. Inscríbase aquí. Plazas limitadas y asignadas por orden de inscripción. Fecha límite: 7 de Junio, 2024. |
💪 Boost your career with UNDP's Career Labs Unlock your career potential with the return of UNDP's Career Labs! These interactive sessions, conducted in collaboration with UNDP, are tailored to support your growth in alignment with the People for 2030 strategy. Explore the four essential stages of your career path: 'Know Yourself', 'Know your Actions', 'Plan your Actions', and 'Create your Future'. Registering is a breeze: - For UN Volunteers with UNDP: Secure your spot via the UNDP Talent Development Hub here.
- For UN Volunteers with other UN host entities: Check out the upcoming CL session topics and registration links below.
Access the full Career Labs Library 2024 here to select the upcoming events of your interest and save your spot. Got questions? Contact UNDP's Talent Development Unit/OHR at career.development@undp.org Register now 👇 and embark on a journey of empowerment and success! |
Empower for Change Champion positive transformations and promote UN values |
✋Stand up against sexual misconduct! Join the UNV workshops on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) In these workshops you will collaborate with your peers to acquire vital skills: recognize and define sexual misconduct, differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, prioritize victims' needs with empathy, and understand your obligations and responsibilities in addressing incidents of sexual misconduct. 🔎We are delighted to offer two special sessions "Introducing the Victim-centred approach for victims of sexual misconduct" coming with the UN Office of the Victims' Rights Advocate (OVRA). These sessions will offer a deep dive into the victim-centred approach. ✅Secure your spot for the upcoming sessions in English. Sign up here! 📅 Tuesday 4 June from 4.00 to 6.30 PM CEST / UTC+2 📅 Tuesday 18 June from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM CEST / UTC+2 For more information on PSEAH, check out our dedicated PSEAH page on UNV eCampus. And complete your mandatory courses today if you haven't already! |
| 🌍 Upcoming Virtual Events on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for UN VolunteersYou, We, Us - Cultivating Change: DEI in an Intersectional World Celebrate Cultural Diversity World Day by exploring the fundamentals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Learn how to foster inclusive communities through an intersectional approach and become a DEI champion. Participate in interactive exercises and discussions designed to inspire and empower you. Register here. 📅 31 May 2024, 12:00 - 13:00 CEST Become a Champion of Disability Inclusion Join Hudoykul Hafizov (UNDP Uzbekistan) for a masterclass on disability inclusion. Understand its importance and its intersections with emergency response and disaster risk reduction. Take the first step toward becoming a Disability Inclusion Champion. Register here. 📅 05 June 2024, 13:00 - 14:00 CEST |
📣 Voices of Change – Refugee Resilience: UN Volunteers' Stories of SupportOn World Refugee Day, UN Volunteers will share their experiences supporting refugees and displaced populations. Learn about the critical roles these volunteers play and the resilience of the communities they serve. Gain insights into educational, healthcare, and community integration initiatives. Register here. 📅 20 June 2024, 15:00 - 16:00 CEST. |
Skills Surge Elevate your competencies by accessing leading learning platforms |
🤝 Master Partnerships with our Expert-Curated Collections Explore our certified courses in Engage and Partner and Forming Partnerships, featuring offerings developed in collaboration with LinkedIn Learning (LiL). Whether you are a new UN Volunteer or a seasoned professional, dive into enhancing your skills in these critical UN competency areas: communicate with empathy, discover professional networking, excel in teamwork, understand the foundation of collaboration, and target strategic partnerships at work. Choose from 18 courses available in over 20 languages. Enjoy personalized learning at your own pace! What more? You will also receive complimentary access to our 130+ LiL competency-based learning collections. Visit eCampus for step-by-step guidance and enhance your professional skills today! |
| 🔁 Thrive Through Change with the LinkedIn Learning Learner Challenge! Are you ready to practice adaption in a constantly changing working environment? Join our Learning Challenge and navigate effectively through changes with your team? Here is what you can expect: embrace the change, ground yourself, enhance team collaboration; learn how to keep balance and combat uncertainty. To kickstart your learning journey, participate in our upcoming LinkedIn Learning (LiL) Challenge! Access a handy calendar featuring bite-sized LiL videos, each requiring just 5-10 minutes a day. Visit eCampus for your complimentary access to LiL. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your learning habits and unleash your full potential! |
See how to apply for UNV online programmes. With thousands of courses, tutorials, and certifications available, the possibilities are endless. Discover a new language with Rosetta Stone, access free learning opportunities on LinkedIn Learning, earn a university certificate with Coursera. Or receive one-on-one coaching and get certified through our conflict, peace, and security courses from UNITAR. Take the first step towards unlocking your potential and explore all that UNV online programs have to offer. Apply today and start your journey towards success. |
Any questions? For more information, please see unv.org and learning.unv.org. Use the eCampus contact form to ask about learning, and support@unv.org for volunteer recruitment, COS policy and process, or anything UNV. You can also find answers to your FAQs on UNV Conditions of Service in the e-learning modules on eCampus. Policy and process made easy for you! |
Happy Learning!UNV Capacity Development Team 2024 |
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